CADUCO studio

irusurt | CADUCO studio | Rosoli C.

Website for GameDev and other creative endeavours

What is this?

Hello! I'll introduce myself, I'm irusurt, CADUCO studio, Rosoli C., or put it simply; Jesús Rodríguez, and this webiste is my way to showcase my creative projects.

Why the need of a website?

Well, I love programming and desing. That's excuse enough.

On a more insightful note: Self expression is incredibly important to me, in this day an age the internet has become increasingly centralized. Social media has become the center of online conection and thus, designed the way indiviuals are able to engage with eachother. In this transition I felt something is lost from the days of mySpace, the ability to create--To be creative.

I begun my internet journey at the beginning of the 2010's, so I'm not familiar with the culture of personal websites. But I'm deeply enamoured with the idea of having an interactable presentation card, a mixture of your interests, your aesthetic cares, the capability of creation.

You can find

I have had many alias in the past. But right now, for you I'm irusurt or my person name Jesús Rodríguez.

There are many project I'm tackling: so one could know me by CADUCO studio --My game development denominator-- or Rosoli C. --While making art--

What is the meaning of this many names?

Don't ask, why are you asking? Stop with the trivialities


Game development projects

Untitiled CADUCO platformer

Screenshot of 'Untitled CADUCO platformer
Action platformer about a duck with a blade project


Screenshot of 'CADUCO RPG
*BROKEN* RPG for learning GameDev and Godot

Rosolí C.

Drawing, painting and illustrations



Playthroughs | El depositario de irusurt

[ES/EN] I also stream games sometimes, under my nick: irusurt


[YouTube] El depositario de Irusurt